Annual General Meeting convocation and agenda N.V. (AMS: TKWY), the leading online food delivery marketplace in Continental Europe, published the convocation for the Annual General Meeting (AGM), including the agenda, an explanation of the agenda items and instructions for attending the meeting, on the website (

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 18 May 2017 at 14:00 CET (registration from 13:00 CET) at EYE Amsterdam, IJpromenade 1, in Amsterdam.

Shareholders who either in person, or by proxy wish to attend the AGM should register for the AGM as from 21 April 2017 up to and including 11 May 2017 (registration closes at 17:30 CET on 11 May 2017). Reference is made to the convocation for further information.

About Just Eat

Just Eat (AMS: TKWY) is one of the world’s leading global online food delivery companies.

Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Company is focused on connecting consumers and Partners through its platforms. With 731,000 connected Partners, Just Eat offers consumers a wide variety of choices from restaurants to retail.

Just Eat has rapidly grown to become a leading online food delivery marketplace with operations in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Most recent information is available on our corporate website and follow us on LinkedIn and X.

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