Actualización de los resultados financieros de Just Eat El EBITDA ajustado de la empresa es rentable en el tercer trimestre de 2022, antes de lo previsto.

El enfoque de la empresa en la rentabilidad proporcionó mejoras importantes en los ingresos por pedido, en los costes de entrega por pedido y en los gastos generales y de gestión. Como resultado, Just Eat obtuvo un EBITDA ajustado positivo en el tercer trimestre de 2022, lo que supone un avance significativo respecto a las previsiones de principios de año, y está en camino de alcanzar sus objetivos de márgenes a largo plazo

.El EBITDA ajustado mejoró en todos los segmentos en el tercer trimestre de 2022, tanto en términos interanuales como secuenciales. En el norte de Europa, Alemania siguió siendo el motor de crecimiento más importante, con un crecimiento positivo de los pedidos en lo que va de año. Si bien el contexto del mercado en el Reino Unido fue menos favorable frente a un período comparativo fuerte, el segmento del Reino Unido e Irlanda logró nuevas mejoras tangibles en la rentabilidad. En América del Norte, la asociación de Grubhub con Amazon ha dado resultados alentadores. Por último, el crecimiento de los pedidos en el segmento del sur de Europa y ANZ se vio afectado negativamente por la contracción del mercado debido a la superación de un período con importantes restricciones de Covid-19 en Australia en 2021.

El VAB (Valor Agregado Bruto) aumentó un 2% en el tercer trimestre de 2022 en comparación con el mismo periodo de 2021, gracias a un mayor valor medio de las transacciones y a los movimientos positivos del tipo de cambio. Just Eat procesó 235 millones de pedidos en el tercer trimestre de 2022, lo que representa un descenso del 11% en comparación con el tercer trimestre de 2021, causado principalmente por el fin de las restricciones de Covid-19 y, en menor medida, por la reducción del número de pedidos de baja contribución.

Just Eat Q3 2022 Trading Update

Just Eat N.V. (LSE: JET, AMS: TKWY), hereinafter the “Company”, or together with its group companies “Just Eat”, one of the world’s largest online food delivery marketplaces, hereby issues a trading update for the third quarter of 2022.

After two years of significant investment following the merger and the pandemic, I am pleased that Just Eat has returned to profitability earlier than anticipated. Driven by a wide range of initiatives, we continue to improve our operational efficiency whilst simultaneously enhancing the user experience and consumer proposition. Although the consumer backdrop will likely be challenging due to the macro-economic environment, Just Eat owns many leadership positions of significant scale, is well-capitalised through the sale of the iFood stake and is therefore well-positioned to capture profitable future growth.

Jitse Groen, CEO of Just Eat

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  • The Company’s focus on profitability delivered material improvements to Revenue per Order, Delivery costs per Order and Overheads & Opex. As a result, Just Eat was Adjusted EBITDA positive in Q3 2022, materially ahead of prior guidance at the beginning of the year and is on track towards its long-term target margins.
  • Adjusted EBITDA improved in all segments in Q3 2022, both year-on-year as well as on a sequential basis. Within Northern Europe, Germany remained the most important growth driver with year-to-date positive Order growth. While the market backdrop in the UK was less favourable against a strong comparative period, the UK and Ireland segment achieved further material improvements in profitability. In North America, Grubhub’s partnership with Amazonshowed encouraging early results. Finally, Order growth in the Southern Europe and ANZ segment was adversely impacted by market contraction due to lapping a period with significant Covid-19 restrictions in Australia in 2021.
  • GTV was up 2% in Q3 2022 compared with the same period in 2021 driven by a higher Average Transaction Value and positive FX movements. Just Eat processed 235 million Orders in Q3 2022, representing a 11% decrease compared with Q3 2021, predominantly caused by the end of Covid-19 restrictions and, to a lesser extent, by reducing the number of low contribution Orders.
  • As a result of the significant progress made during the third quarter, management updated its guidance for the full year of 2022 on 27 September 2022:

- Positive Adjusted EBITDA in the second half of 2022 (previously FY 2022 Adjusted EBITDA margin in the range of minus 0.5% to minus 0.7% of GTV)

- GTV to grow by low-single digit year-on-year in 2022 (previously mid-single digit)

- Management expects the Company to maintain positive Adjusted EBITDA in FY 2023, and the long-term objectives for Just Eat remain unchanged.

  • Just Eat announcedits Supervisory Board had decided to nominate Mr. Andrew Kenny and Mr. Jörg Gerbig for (re)appointment as members of its Management Board, and to nominate Mr. Dick Boer and Ms. Mieke De Schepper for appointment to the Supervisory Board.
  • An Extraordinary General Meeting("EGM") relating to the sale of the Company’s equity stake of approximately 33% in the iFood joint venture to an affiliate of Prosus N.V., the proposed appointments to the Supervisory Board and Management Board and the proposed transfer of listing of the Company’s shares will be held in Amsterdam on 18 November 2022.
  • Provided the resolution has been adopted at the EGM, completion of the iFood transactionis anticipated to occur shortly after the EGM. The Transaction consideration will comprise €1.5 billion in cash on closing and contingent consideration of up to €300 million. The transaction proceeds will be retained to strengthen the balance sheet and to service repayments of upcoming debt maturities.
  • Management, together with its advisers, continues to actively explore the partial or full sale of Grubhub. There can be no certainty that any such strategic actions will be agreed or what the timing of such agreements will be. Further announcements will be made as and when appropriate.

Acerca de Just Eat

Just Eat Takeway es la plataforma de delivery pionera desde 2010 y de referencia en España, comprometida con el delivery responsable con presencia en el 95% del territorio español, que cuenta con un servicio de marketplace y más de 2.500 repartidores contratados directamente. Desde marzo de 2021, ofrece servicios de cesta de la compra, parafarmacia, mascotas y belleza y cuidado personal.

Forma parte de Just Eat ( AMS: TKWY), una de las principales empresas mundiales de entrega de comida a domicilio online.

Con sede en Ámsterdam, la empresa se centra en conectar a consumidores y socios a través de sus plataformas. Con 731.000 socios conectados, Just Eat ofrece a los consumidores una amplia variedad de opciones, desde restaurantes hasta comercios minoristas.

Just Eat ha crecido rápidamente hasta convertirse en un mercado líder de entrega de comida a domicilio online con operaciones en Australia, Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Canadá, Dinamarca, Alemania, Irlanda, Israel, Italia, Luxemburgo, Polonia, Eslovaquia, España, Suiza, Países Bajos y Reino Unido.

La información más reciente está disponible en nuestro sitio web corporativo y síganos en LinkedIn y X.

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